Name Our Bugs Contest

Bama Bug Fest held a new 2022 Naming Contest for the Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula and Texas Brown Tarantula in the Alabama Museum of Natural History Bug Room and the winners were announced on April 4th! The winning names were submitted by the public, made it to the Top Three (as chosen by the Bama Bug Fest Name Our Bugs Committee), and then were voted on by the public.

The Insects:

To participate in this contest, we need names for our Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula and Texas Brown Tarantula.

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula
Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula
Texas Brown Tarantula
Texas Brown Tarantula

The Winners:

The winning names in the Name Our Bugs Contest are Cayenne and Cinnamon!

The winning name (as submitted and voted on by the public) for the Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula is Cayenne! The winning name (as submitted and voted on by the public) for the Texas Brown Tarantula is Cinnamon! Congratulations to our winners! We will be contacting you via email to let you know how to pick up your Bama Bug Fest prize pack!

Contest Rules:

  1. One (1) submission per participant
  2. Participants must be local and able to pick up their prizes at the Alabama Museum of Natural History
  3. Any age may submit
  4. By submitting a name through the online form, participants agree that Bama Bug Fest can use the name.
  5. Names submitted must be appropriate for a public museum setting
  6. Entries must be submitted through the online form
  7. All entries will be reviewed by the “Name Our Bugs” committee at the close of the contest and the committee will pick the winner
  8. Winners will be announced on April 4
  9. Winners will receive a Bama Bug Fest prize package be notified by the “Name Our Bugs” committee using the email address entered in the online form