
A chalkboard of words related to education.Bama Bug Fest will have labs and organizations available at the Alabama Museum of Natural History on April 9, 2022 from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM to educate and discuss various insect-related topics! Feel free to ask them questions because they’d love to discuss them with you.

The labs, organizations, and tables that will be at Bama Bug Fest 2022 are:

Jeff Lozier (Bumble bee Diversity)

Kevin Kocot (Marine Invertebrates)

Carla Atkinson (Alabama Mussels)

Sadie Zabawa and Hayley Bryant (Tuscaloosa Public Libraries)

Lance Simpson (The University of Alabama Libraries)

Stuart McGregor (Crayfishes of Alabama)

Jon Benstead (Climate Change and Invertebrates)

Pam Sloan (Worms and Compost)

Vince Wallace and Celena Bennett (Bees, West Alabama Beekeepers Association)

Marcy Koontz (Insects in Fashion, The Fashion Archive)

Ansel Payne (Alabama Audubon)

Dawn Coeman Lee (Birmingham Botanical Gardens)

Lindsey Gordon (Moundville and Insects)

The University of Alabama Press (Nature Books)

McCain Lab (Yucca and Pollinators)

Flow Tuscaloosa (Hurricane Creek and Dragonfly Lanterns)

Tom Tobin (Fossil Invertebrates)

The University of Alabama Theatre and Dance (Projections)

Entomophagy (How to Cook with Bugs)

Burnum Hahn (Pest Control)

Insects in Mythology

Water Quality and Indicator Species

Ants in War and Farming

How Bugs Blend Into the Environment

How Do Bugs Jump?

Lightning Bug Diversity

Collection Drawers

Entomology Tools for Collection